Rhode Island Supreme Court
Court Type: | Supreme Court |
State: | RI |
County: | Providence |
Street Address: | 250 Benefit St. |
City: | Providence |
Zip Code: | 2903 |
Phone: | 401-222-3266 |
Hours: | Monday - Friday 8:30 a.m. to 4:30 p.m |
Website URL: | https://www.courts.ri.gov/Courts/SupremeCourt/Pages/default.aspx |
Judge: | Hon. Paul A. Suttell |
Clerk: | Debra Saunders |
Clerk Phone: | 401-222-3272 |
Clerk Fax: | 401-222-3599 |
Clerk Email: | dsaunders@courts.ri.gov |
Restrictions: | Cell phone camera and video is strictly prohibited in the courthouse |
Forms & Filing: | Forms |
Dockets / Schedule / Calendar: | Case Docket Search |
Languages: | Multiple |
Email: | jhamil@courts.ri.gov |
Facebook: | https://www.facebook.com/pages/Rhode-Island-Supreme-Court/106861659351985 |
Linkedin: | https://www.linkedin.com/company/rhode-island-supreme-court |
Wikipedia: | https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Rhode_Island_Supreme_Court |